Process Skids

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Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
Pictured is an animal food processing skid built for end-product inspection before packaging. It was designed with sanitation in mind, and features a 600-gallon tank with a two-port outlet, custom skid-mounted twin screw pumps, and inline metal detectors to ensure the product remains free of metal contaminants.
Process Skids
This custom WFI distribution skid was designed for a pharmaceutical facility, featuring heating and cooling loops for the plant. The project incorporates specially designed pumps, heat exchangers, and GEMU valves.
Process Skids
Designed with maintenance and longevity in mind, this custom WFI distribution skid features custom block body diaphragm valves and removable bearing block pump assemblies, ensuring durability and ease of use.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
This custom dosing skid, designed for a large pet food manufacturer, precisely mixes and doses additives to stabilize the product and enhance flavoring, ensuring consistent quality and efficiency in production.
Process Skids
This skid supports biopharmaceutical process filtration. It includes a water and foam break vessel and on-board CIP operations.
Process Skids
This skid is a pharmaceutical filtration system for connection to a mobile cartridge system. It has one process loop and CIP bypass for cleaning through the connection station.
Process Skids
This skid is a pharmaceutical chemical distribution system for bulk fluid transfer. Paired with another chemical process at the end of the piping run, the ancillary skid (which we did not supply) handles batching and testing.
Process Skids
This is a multi-stage process filtration skid for a pharmaceutical application. This system is to be connected to mobile filter carts that will aid in the separation of product from the solids in suspension.
Process Skids
This skid is a Dual Filtration system. It utilizes a counterweight lift to reduce the filter housing cover (200lbs) lifting force to less than 5lbs. Additionally, this skid features an on-board CIP loop to provide recirculated solution throughout the skid for increased velocity inside the system boundary. There is a local sampling station for CIP, process validation, and QC.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
This nitrogen gas skid was designed to protect fruit juice in storage by replacing air with pure nitrogen to prevent spoilage. The system automatically adjusts the nitrogen levels as the tank is filled or emptied, maintaining the juice's quality.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
This custom-built sauce kitchen was designed specifically for a new pizza manufacturing plant. This innovative system blends various raw ingredients to create pizza sauce and operates completely automatically, including a self-cleaning process that requires no human intervention. CSI partnered with Burns & McDonnell to engineer and build this kitchen and provide a seamless installation and start-up at the customer's site.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
Modular mixing system for a large pickle manufacturer. This unit allows the end user to precisely dose ingredients through the various flow meters for repeatable recipe control as well as giving them flexibility to manually dose ingredients through the hopper before entering the shear mill. This, along with the dual filtration unit, gives them consistent and quality product every time.
Process Skids
A processor needed a water sterilizer skid to produce large amounts of clean water. To meet their needs, CSI designed this 16 feet tall, 15 feet wide water sterilizer skid. With 1,300 feet of hold tube, this skid can sterilize 150 gallons of water in 1 minute.
Process Skids
A pharmaceutical processor was looking for a quick and effective way to purify the water used in their products. In addition to purification, they also wanted to precisely control the microbial levels in the water after purification. To accomplish this task, CSI fabricated this Ultraviolet Water Treatment Skid that utilizes an Aquafine OptiVenn. The customer can adjust the UV lamps to produce the precise level of microbials needed for their product. The internal lamps are approximately three times more efficient than medium pressure lamps and can restart immediately after a shutdown — which means there is no cool down period required — maximizing system uptime.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
This combination CIP and Coconut Oil Processing Skid is designed to run the coconut oil product through the system as well as self-clean between batches.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
Measuring in at 18 feet long, six and a half feet wide, and over 15 feet tall, this mammoth skid utilizes five pumps, two heat exchangers, a small tank to hold process material, and 230 feet of holding tubes to provide high-temperature, short-time pasteurization of milk product.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
Another angle of the 18 feet long, six and a half feet wide, and over 15 feet tall high-temperature, short-time milk pasteurization skid.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
Contherm cooking and blending skid designed in two sections (cooking and blending skid and hot water skid) to meet customer facility footprint requirements.
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage
High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization Skid
Process Skids
Process Skids
The WFI Distribution Skid features two sanitary centrifugal pumps, a shell-n-tube heat exchanger, online conductivity and TOC measurement, pressure control, PLC and HMI control, and associated piping. The system is integrated with the plant data historian for data and alarm monitoring.
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Process Skids
Cosmeceutical process skid
Process Skids
Filter skid with gauges and ball valve manifolds
Process Skids
CIP system
Process Skids
Process Skids
Food, Dairy & Beverage